Music Lab – Open music production

Music Lab is a community for bands and musicians. It appeared in 2014 thanks to Marek Kačmár, Adam Podhorský, Ľuboš Šoltés and Matúš Kačmár. While working in a private company, Marek and his colleagues formed their own music group. When Marek started to perform publicly, he managed to meet a lot of different artists and realized the potential for a greater circle of musicians in his city. Together with these guys, Marek founded a new platform for open concerts in Tabačka Kulturfabrik under the label Music Lab. It meant that anyone could come to enjoy a professionally prepared stage and musical instruments once a month, every last Thursday. Nowaways, an important change developed in the course of the platform – Music Lab now functions as a recording studio and rehearsal place as well. Various music bands share this space and it has been active and ready to use for new music production ever since. All of that in Košice, all of that thanks to Music Lab.

Stay in The Invisible Hotel not just during the last Thursday of the month and find out what else highlights our city.

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